Teachers affiliated with OMTA receive the following benefits:
– A listing on our website, searchable by zip code, instrument and in alphabetical order.
*Your primary listing in our directory includes one name, one phone number, one address under your main teaching instrument. Additional addresses, phone numbers, and instruments may be listed, at $10.00 per addition. |
– Monthly programs September thru May that address a variety of topics designed to inspire, develop skills, and inform teachers on current and new teaching ideas and methods. |
– Free attendance to the Spring Workshop. |
– Students of OMTA teachers are able to participate in all of OMTA’s events: The Music Fundamentals Fair, Senior Scholarship Award, The Young Artist Competition, and The Trophy Festival. (Some restrictions will apply. See each individual event for further information.) |
– Monthly Newsletter. |
– General Membership Meetings September -May, members are encouraged to attend and participate. These meetings are the same day as the monthly programs. |
– December and May Luncheons, members are responsible for the cost of the Lunch. |
– Ability to collaborate with other musicians passionate about teaching music. |
OMTA Teachers include Piano (Child & Adult), Preschool, Organ, Strings, Suzuki, Theory, Voice, and Woodwinds. We welcome new members and any new instruments.